Alan.Oliveira's reviews

June 3, 2024
Dallas, TX (US)
Rovelli, Carlo, 1956- author.

Time Doesn’t Exist!

So, here’s a little bit of what I got from this book. First, the author explains the current state of modern physics, then explores a concept of a world without time. The final, and most challenging part, he uncovers the fundamental aspects of time, filled with complex ideas. Some concepts in the book are complex and may need multiple readings to fully grasp. However, he includes only one equation, which he even apologizes for: S ≥ 0, representing the second law of thermodynamics. This law states that heat flows from hot to cold objects, not the other way around. He also refers to this as "time's arrow," the only fundamental physics equation that distinguishes between past and future. Overall, it was a good read, but I still don’t think it was a 5 star book for me. It wasn’t as interesting as I thought it was going to be.

Next Stop, Black Hole!

As an astronomy enthusiast, I was immediately drawn to the Black Hole subject, but it was Levin's unique approach to explaining science that truly set this book apart. Levin's introduction to gravity at the beginning of the book was particularly enlightening. She managed to clarify complex concepts in a way I had never encountered before. By the end of the book, I felt I had a much deeper understanding of topics that previously seemed impenetrable. One of the highlights of Levin's writing is her didactic style, seamlessly blended with humor. This combination made the learning process enjoyable and engaging. Her ability to break down intricate scientific ideas into accessible and entertaining explanations is fantastic. As an amateur astronomy lover, I found "Black Hole Survival Guide" to be a perfect fit for my hobby. Despite not being a scientist or physicist, I was able to follow along and appreciate the depth of [XBR] information presented. This book has become one of my favorite reads in the field of astronomy, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to explore the fascinating world of black holes.