Black Saturday.
It's a morally honest personal account by our Hero correspondent for Israel on the BLACK DAY of October Seventh of 2023, when menacing forces of Iran, Palestinians and hasbala agencies Stroke a war Attack against The Democratic Independent European State of Israel ! Mr. Yingst tells his narrative as He personally Experienced during this Uncalled Inhuman attack/war starting on the Black ( Darkest !) day of the Human History ! He, the author had experienced moral heroism and, also, as always in any war's history, a pity on the palestinians, who were dying as innocents, and served as a human shields for the Attackers themselves..... It's a unwritten law that people die, on all sides of warring countries... and/or Agencies and Groups. And it's impossible to warrant total shielding territory on which people can stay unharmed, for 100% in any war's zone. So, for those who had been there: be it simply observers or immediate forces, the situation is always scary and mind-changing, in horrible ways.