Lost in the Universe.
I made an error in choosing this tom of speculations regarding the choice of the electing one and Only PRESIDENT of the USA... Who needs this abundance of numbers, given here, to judge the character, abilities and the suitability of One person to lead this whole multi-lingual & multi-cultural, multi-national and enormously uncountable number of people ? ! Why not use this criteria, that has been Forever in practice for choosing the employees in small and big businesses ?! Which is : " to be ABLE, WILLING and READY to SERVE" Plus, have a Sound potential to EXCEED in all of the above... Why not to Look thoroughly at the Person's character, physical, Mental and intelligence to make sound, reasonable and crucial Decisions, that matter for every single individual and for the strength of this very vulnerable state on the World's arena ! ? You do neet the Army of paid un-elected folks to help you out... You can also look into that person's Astrology signs to find their in-born characteristics: they're normally are very precise and accurate and lasting... The only person that comes to mind is the masterful, knowledgeable and super - clever Mr. John King, USA. lET US use our brain instead of money out of pockets in focusing on what truly matters ! I do NOT advice anyone to read this Number Book.