stowiekat's reviews

July 5, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)
Buxbaum, Julie.

Cute YA

What can I say about this one...Well, it was a book club pick and it took me a while to just sit and read it, but the book was completely enjoyable. I sometimes find that YA contains underdeveloped characters and cliche plot lines, but this was just too cute. It made my inner HS girl happy. It also made me miss IM, lol who knew that was even possible. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have your life turned upside down at 15, but I know what it’s like as an adult. I also felt like there were some good offerings for adults in the audience, the whole idea that we can’t go back is something that I’m wrestling with at the moment and it really just rang true in my life now. I sort of wish I was still teaching English because this book would definitely have made it onto my classroom book shelf.

Crusie, Jennifer

So Good I Read it Twice

I read this in college, shortly after it was released, so it was fun to read again all these years later. I laughed out loud again at the witty banter and antics of Min and Cal. Now, I just need to find some fish shoes...

Hockman, Angie

Cute Beach Read

Gotta love some misconceptions that lead to "loathing" that lead to love. This was a cute book, and I was able to get through it in a day. Henley and Graeme definitely get off on the wrong foot, well more like Henley makes some assumptions about Graeme, but based on her life experiences prior to working with him, she's got a point. I laughed at some of their antics, but mainly it was just a cute sweet read.