Wellread111's reviews

June 24, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)
Brandreth, Gyles

How to interpret the slogan of Twitter Or What sane people do NOT need.

Somewhat of a necessity in this crazy new world of war on decent writing and sharing of ideas and thought...

Carr, Robyn

Could have been so much better...

At least in this serial: the "Sullivan's Crossing", the author isn't your master story teller, unfortunately. It shows in her crude harsh, often low level language used even in intimate scenes...Slang and profanity are not strangers in Ms. Carr's writing here. I couldn't find the style in her rendering of the story, either. And presence of multiple punctual and grammatical errors are adding to negative rating to my personal view. On the other hand, plot and characters with their problems could've been played out so much better-artistically and with good work of editorial help !

Fang, Fang

Notes from a Wuhan woman-writer on the Viral disease from the Lab of Wuhan.

It's a woman-writer's story who was born and lives there-in Wuhan, and is interested in her country's health and well-being during and after the Virus' deadly attack. It has nothing to offer to people whose lives and health were jeopardized throughout the whole Universe.

Carr, Robyn

"What we find"

The book is written crudely, as if the man who had never before written anything for public, had decided to try his pen... And not a woman-writer with some skill and some warm heart with feelings inside. There are many a stylistical and grammatical errors, too, unfortunately. I wanted to stop reading the book on a first 10 pages, but struck out to read on. The story itself is quite interesting, though the main character (Margaret-or for short-Maggie) is too needy and whines all the time, which is annoying, to say the least. Her friend's name Jaycee is out of wack and bothersome... And it is hard to envision Maggie as a living being. While the character of Cal Jones is steady, wholesome, promising and charming, despite his unusual upbringing and family's tragedy. So decide for yourself to read or not to read.

Largeman-Roth, Frances,


An interesting book, full of description of everyday fruits and vegetables, their roots and history, some interesting recipes and great advice for those who want to feed themselves and their families healthier. Food for all ages including the little ones. I recommend it to all.