Wellread111's reviews

June 24, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)

Toxic opinion on families' in-laws.

It's a narrative that attacks all families-in-law. A very limited and one-sided opinion of one woman, and is not based on true stories. Just on negative cases, which happen, of course, but are not the rule. A poisoning and sad "guide" to new married families, very one-sided and not substantiated. I do not recommend it. To any parent or an adult child.

Government Gangsters...

Old and new. The book brings in mostly the well-known facts regarding so-called "Russiangate" analysis and new "happenings" of the same type of attacks against one of the two US parties in fight for the Americans' heart and pocket voters. Besides repetition of the well-understood past and not so eloquent writing ability, the story deserves attention.

O'Donnell, Norah

Baby love: easy delicious meals for babies.

It's a mediocre cookbook for new parents, with some lovely family photos from the family of Norah O'Donnell-the oncor host on CBS channel. There are no innovations or interesting new recipes for babies up to the age of 6-18 months. What had unpleasantly surprised me by these authors, is that their book was assembled and printed in China, and not in United States for some reason and Not on the Acid-free paper, either. As a result, the book is literally impossible to hold in hands and read it, because it smells so horrible !

Chronic Fatigue...

A wonderful helpful and detailed work for Doctors and educated by their own struggles and pain patients who had not been diagnosed nor helped. Great level of comprehension of all the challenges for suffering patients go through and ways to elevate them, presented in this gentle, super-intelligent straight-forward book. I highly recommend this work to professionals and patients alike !

Phil McGraw.

How to rate your smartness in world of love and character. And to learn to be your best friend.

A very much needed learning. For now and for always. Very well and articulately written.