Wellread111's reviews

June 24, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)
Faulkner, Harris

Nine Rules...

The book is about Harris Faulkner's Father's military life. Entirely. With some good photos of him and a few of her family. It is not an engaging or very interesting, unless you yourself are or have been serving in the Army and can relate to her story. There is nothing family-oriented nor about herself or how her life, as individual and her own family had happened.

Bradford, Barbara Taylor.

Wonder of it all:...

I used to like reading Mrs. Barbara T. Bradford novels, but not her historical dramas. Unfortunately (for me) this book is one of those. First of all-iIt's irrelevant and secondly it's written so poorly, in a stylistical and grammatical sense, thus making this work so close to impossible to read and to appreciate ! I do not blame the author exclusively, because she is now an old woman, and who has recently lost her dear loving husband... I see the fault of this as a negligence by the editorial staff who could clearly avoid these substantial diminishing errors, but didn't rise to the occasion. I do not suggest reading this particular book.

"Mean" dads for a better America.

A wonderful piece of American Literature, a One anybody can and should be proud of ! Written in USA. By a highly intelligent person growing up in the proper family atmosphere with deep appreciation of each other and respect and decency...Where children were TAUGHT the good and the bad by words and example. By both parents, equally and in unison. The value of this book is not only in the home-taught virtues, but in its absolutely rare Classical quality of unprecedented respect for the Language and use of a written and spoken word ! That is literally IMPOSSIBLE to find Now anywhere, in any society, even in the "good old" European writings these days and even earlier in 21st Century... This work of Mr. Tom Shillue is absolutely Must be read !


A properly and truly balanced view of the public persona of Angela Lansbury: a lady who had always dreamed to become an actress...And finally, did-in a good-natured and much-needed for us (and perhaps-for her) a TV series " Murder, she wrote". It indulges us in good steady moral zone and sense of trust in proper judgment of character... in ansamble of very good actors team who "have her back" It shows the undying support of her wonderful and generous Husband Peter S. Shaw and the director who truly "saw" her natural talent to "be herself" And after long exhausting years of mostly failed try-outs on stage and in film, Ms. Angela Lansbury finally finds herself in balance with herself, family and the public as a whole Person: mature and wiser, and totally appreciated by all !

Hayes, Steven C.

A liberated mind

It seems, that the author has good intentions towards solving problems for patients with severe unsolved chronic physical and/or a nervous system illnesses. But naming (tagging) his desires to elevate them as "Pivots" doesn't make sense: since the word doesn't exist as is... ! A pivotal decision-making strategy is another way to express his desires, entirely... and should be used here, instead. So the work is about trying to Make the best decision when you're in pain and there is no professional-doctor's help available to you as a patient, suffering pain for a long time, to help you solve them with you and for you. And the author's idea in this situation: is to find solace within your family/friends' circle or perhaps, meditating... So the book is pacifying, but not practical or helpful. To me, at least.