Wellread111's reviews

June 24, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)
Steel, Danielle

The Four angles.

Written O.K. and is fast-unravelling tale... Of Four characters, that are in this book. A heroine-Amanda, falls finally in real love with a great tender and loving man-Olivier, not aware that he is married (at least, on paper) to a lesbian woman-Stephanie, who had never loved him in her entire "married" life, but left him to his own devices to tend for himself without true family or devotion... And the rendition also include a psychopath-Tom, who had now, after 20 years of his rejection, promised he would kill her (Amanda) if she rejects him again, years ago of their college amore at the College... I read and finished the book in two days. But it's quite disruptive and weird... But it all ends well, at the very end.

Campbell, W. Joseph,

Lost in the Universe.

I made an error in choosing this tom of speculations regarding the choice of the electing one and Only PRESIDENT of the USA... Who needs this abundance of numbers, given here, to judge the character, abilities and the suitability of One person to lead this whole multi-lingual & multi-cultural, multi-national and enormously uncountable number of people ? ! Why not use this criteria, that has been Forever in practice for choosing the employees in small and big businesses ?! Which is : " to be ABLE, WILLING and READY to SERVE" Plus, have a Sound potential to EXCEED in all of the above... Why not to Look thoroughly at the Person's character, physical, Mental and intelligence to make sound, reasonable and crucial Decisions, that matter for every single individual and for the strength of this very vulnerable state on the World's arena ! ? You do neet the Army of paid un-elected folks to help you out... You can also look into that person's Astrology signs to find their in-born characteristics: they're normally are very precise and accurate and lasting... The only person that comes to mind is the masterful, knowledgeable and super - clever Mr. John King, USA. lET US use our brain instead of money out of pockets in focusing on what truly matters ! I do NOT advice anyone to read this Number Book.

Ginsberg, Gary,


These are a very intuitive and relevant views on the personal and political lives of our Presidents, from firsts upto the latest ones that make our histories. .. It is as if he looks and reads the Astrological assessment of our stars and planets that draw our strengths and weaknesses since our birth. Interesting and entertaining at the same time. Logical, intelligent and in depth that will intrigue and enlighten you at the same time ! I highly recommend it to all adults !

Pain management. For those who never suffered it...

The author who we know Nothing about as far as his marriage, his own pain, if he ever experienced any of considerable duration or level of it... As he doesn't provide any personal data in this work, whatsoever ! When he tries to "recommend" his ideas on reducing the feeling of pain, it comes to this effect: That "2 + 2 equals 4" That's all. It's so trivial and irrelevant, that makes this opus totally unasked for & unneeded ! As if you're suffering super chronic and unmanageable pain, you "Ought to regulate it yourself and do not cry nor complain about it TOO MUCH ! As there are people around you that will suffer from just Looking at you, or having to help you in the greatest time of Need. When you marry someone, you give an Oath to Be there for your spouse " IN HEALTH AND SICKNESS, TILL DEATH DO US PART ! It cannot Ever be Overestimated or changed ! And you ask, then: why have I ever married my spouse, for which reasons... I advice to this author to try his meaningless advices on himself, to feel them and suffer, as anyone with the real tough everyday crucial severe pain ... And ONLY Then -write something logical and smart about it ! I would Not suggest this writings to anyone with Pain, especially-chronic and not-manageable by anybody.

FIRST LADIES & First gentlemen.

It's a great reference to the historical figures involved in OUR Presidents' lives and stories, And their ladies, who were next to them throughout their lives: political and otherwise ! You can read and find very interesting and Chronological order to become very well versed on a political scene from start to current days of the USA leaders. Very helpful and entertaining, as well. I recommend to everyone smart and wanted to be even more intelligent !