Wellread111's reviews

June 24, 2021
Dallas, TX (US)

As written .

Some good ideas on enjoying the nature and thinking of saving rare and unique animal and birds' species, as well as taking good loving care of earth, waters and all the animal kingdom in general.... But propoganda by authors re: innefective and non-proven "green energy" so-called agenda is Harmful even to adults, let alone... young children ! I do NOT reccomend this to anyone with logic and brain !


Same thing with this account: repetition is the "king" here. All well known facts but without Due gratitude to those in Intelligent service who had explained this Fraud and ways it was done, much earlier and with substance and clear facts.... A total waste of time....for informed intelligent folks.

Hemingway, Mollie/ Severino, Carrie

Justice Kavanaugh on "trial".

Poor in quality of writing and unending repetition.... I do Not recommend this book.

The introduction to the visual arts to young children. (Ages 5-10).

A very nicely written and illustrated album-book by the Meredith Hamilton. Good descriptions of Artists' life and manner in which they each painted or sculpted their art pieces.

Decades of decadence.

The work is like day and night in comparison to Mr. Rubio's latest book written in 2024. Just not well-thought out and immature-ish.